MARCH: Vitali-TEA Wednesday, March 6th 4 - 5:15 pm
APRIL: Resbonsibili-TEA Wednesday, April 10th 4 - 5:15 pm
MAY: Divine Feminini -TEA Wednesday, May 8th 4 - 5:15 pm
JUNE: Divine Masculini-TEA Wednesday, June 5th 4 - 5:15 pm
JULY: Nonconformi-TEA Wednesday, July 10th 4 - 5:15 pm
AUGUST: Vulnurabili-TEA Wednesday, August 7th 4 - 5:15 pm
SEPTEMBER: Clari-TEA Wednesday, September 4th 4 - 5:15 pm
OCTOBER: Curiosi -TEA Wednesday, October 2nd 4 - 5:15 pm
NOVEMBER: Loyal - TEA Wednesday, November 6th 4 - 5:15 pm
DECEMBER: Luminosi -TEA Wednesday, December 21st 4 - 5:15 pm
MARCH: Vitali-TEA Wednesday, March 13th 4 - 5:15 pm Spring time is the time for new blooms, new growth and honoring our true nature to feel the life force coursing through our bodies. Known by many names such as Vitality, Chi, Prana, Breath of Life, and Qi. Let’s discuss how to tune in and turn up our vitality, enhance our life force, connect to Big Energy and shed feelings of being depleted and empty.
APRIL: Resbonsibili-TEA Wednesday, April 10th 4 - 5:15 pm. We are all part of a greater circle, a larger ecosystem and a community bound by a natural order. This session will be dedicated to connecting to mother nature and reflecting on our impact, appreciation and ways we can put back what we take out of our planet. Learn and share ways to live with mindfulness and spread conscious consumerism.
MAY: Divine Feminini -TEA Wednesday, May 8th 4 - 5:15 pm. Tap into feminine divine energy with this special tea session honoring the mother energy that binds the Earth together. The Egyptians had Isis, the Greeks had Aphrodite and the Hindus have Shakti. Activate qualities of love, compassion, empathy, emotional bonding, inner peace & calm and create space for the union of subtle energies both individually and collectively.
JUNE: Divine Masculini-TEA Wednesday, June 12th 4 - 5:15 pm. As the summer solstice approaches and the Earth drawers ever closer to the full heat of the sun, we too experience a fullness of the masculine energy that organizes, protects and guides all things. Throughout time this energy has existed in various representations; The Greeks had Zeus, The Norse had Odin, The Hindus have Shiva and even Father Time is a form of the masculine divine energy in all of live. Tap into the your own ‘doing’ rather than ‘being’ through structure, logic and taking charge of your life.
JULY: Nonconformi-TEA Wednesday, July 10th 4 - 5:15 pm. Human beings are innately designed to live in tribes that rely on one another, however today’s culture can often create unrealized pressure to conform to lifestyle we do not truly desire. Often those rejecting standard living choices face being cast out, judged or disassociated from the group. Honoring your authentic self can take a safe space and self-inquire to identify your truth, as well as finding the bravery to live your dreams while seeking your highest path. This session will include discussion to evoke awareness, ‘DREAM PLANNING and begin discernment and detachment from desires that are not truly yours.
AUGUST: Vulnurabili-TEA Wednesday, August 14th 4 - 5:15 pm For so many in our culture, August is a return to study. People of all ages begin a new scholastic year. This can mean walking into new classrooms, with new people or opening your mind to new academic concepts and studies. All of this comes with a bit of vulnerability. We are hardwired to associate that with a negative experience. Modern culture ignores and rejects visible vulnerability. However, there is great power in stepping into your vulnerable self and seeing what the world has to show you. You might find it comes with tremendous gifts and unexpected new experiences. This tea session will focus on the power of being vulnerable no matter the situation or your age.
SEPTEMBER: Clari-TEA Wednesday, Septmber 11th 4 - 5:15 pm. Often we are confused about who we are, what we want or who other people are, what they want. We don’t understand behaviors and motivations, or find ourselves exasperated trying to communicate and problem solve with others. In this Ayurvedsa-based tea session we will explain and test for our Dosha (type of self). Enlightenment and organization of body types can help us exponentially with our relationships, our work endeavors and reaching our highest potential by honoring and balancing our true nature. This introduction to Dosha types will help set you on a path to alignment.
OCTOBER: Curiosi -TEA Wednesday, October 9th 4 - 5:15 pm. Fate or Chaos? Throughout the centuries human kind has felt the invisible pull of the golden chord of life that weaves through all things. We innately know there is a push and pull of negative and positive, of good and evil, and right and wrong. Many cultures have developed tools and techniques for harnessing this invisible energy. In this fun tea session we will play with ancient metaphysical tools used for centuries by people hoping to gain insight, connection and self awareness. Come get curious as we throw bones, shake runes and layout the Tarot. All past ancestors are welcome to join as well in spirit!
NOVEMBER: Loyal - TEA Wednesday, November 13th 4 - 5:15 pm As we begin the high holidays we are often conflicted by our loyalties to work, family, friends, faith and self. So often during celebrations we have multiple demands, events and invitations all competing for our attention, for our loyalty. Sometimes compromises can feel shameful as if we are being disloyal to the things that matter most to us. It is impossible to be in two places at once, and we seem to have amnesia every holiday season at how quickly our energy runs out. Post holiday stress syndrome can lead to depression, over spending, exhaustion and conflict with loved ones. This gathering is dedicated to taking time BEFORE the storm to organize and prioritize your personal loyalties so setting up those holiday calendars can be done with a full heart and a kind mind. Wellness and health comes from actions, not reactions.
DECEMBER: Luminosi -TEA Wednesday, Dec. 11th 4 - 5:15 pm. Set your life’s intentions on FIRE. Gather around an early solstice fire to welcome the return of the light. For centuries people have gathered at the end of the seasonal year to celebrate and honor the gift of light and the gift of OUR lives. Join us during this often hectic holiday season to slow down and reflect, to put back into the fire what no longer serves us and to set intentions of renewal while turning towards the new year with a freer spirit.
** *Special fireside tea ceremony, rituals of writing, smudging and winter wreath weaving with increased price.